Applications & Surveys

Gather and compile information from your volunteers quickly and easily.

With Lineup’s Application and Survey feature, you can gather and compile information from your volunteers quickly and easily. An Application is simply a customizable form you can set up to solicit whatever information you need. The information you can gather in Applications has many potential uses, including vetting new volunteer applicants, determining volunteer suitability for specific tasks, maintaining updated contact information for volunteers, and soliciting volunteer information for specific events.

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Know Your Audience

You can collect basic demographics information like employment experience, volunteer experience, or relevant certifications. You can even send out that application periodically to make sure you have the most up-to-date information possible.

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Decision With Technology

Use applications to determine which volunteers are best for a specific task and ask for availability, interest in an activity, or relevant experience to that task.

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Transform Your Database

Collect event specific information such as travel information, accessibility needs, or accommodation request.


Get in touch and learn how Lineup can enhance your business.